Willow Motion Watch Face Feature

GIF Animated

The Willow Motion Watch face allow you to set GIF image as a background

Custom Font

The Willow Motion watch face come with online font gallery. You can easily add any font that you like to your watch face

Battery Saver Mode

You should aware that GIF animated watch face consume more battery than other watch face. In order to keep your watch last longer, we implement battery saver mode on the Willow Motion watch face that will stop animated and show black background when your watch battery are lower than 15%

To resume the animation, just charge your watch and it will animated as usual.

Auto Image Cycle

We know that you have a lot of GIF image that you really love to make it shine on your watch but somehow you are too lazy to open the setting app to change it time to time right?

We got you, just enable auto image cycle in the setting app and it will randomly change into any image in you willow gallery every hour.

Watch Complication (Only premium version)

Last updated